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Women's Programs

Happily Married Ever After? …Lessons for a Lasting Marriage
Magnificent Masterpiece …Designed For Greatness
He Said, She Said: Bridging the Gender Communication Gap

He Said, She Said: Bridging The Gender Communication Gap
(Areas of Interest: Communications, Problem solving/negotiations)
The gender communication gap definitely influences business relationships and the level of
productivity in the workplace. Learn skills to be able to improve cross-gender relationships that
affect job performance with customers, clients, coworkers, teammates, and colleagues. Identify
gender influences that may lead to conversational misunderstandings thereby requiring different
approaches to relationship building in personal and professional settings. Come and learn
specific adaptations that can be implemented regarding basic differences in cross-gender
communication styles, primary differences in effective marketing and selling methods for males
vs. females, and critical differences in the approach to building and maintaining loyalty from both
male and female clients.

The participant will be able to:
1. identify gender influences on conversational misunderstandings
2. understand primary differences in selling males vs females
3. learn critical differences in the approach to building relationships, maintaining ongoing
loyalty and referral business from both male and female clients

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